More on Rigid Frame Designs – Caveat Emptor

At the time of our last post – we were well in the process of handling issues that some of our Rigid Frame clients had to deal with — and we felt obligated to share it in the spirit of open, honest, transparency…  and as you can see from that post:, PATIENCE & TIME are invaluable resources you really need to harvest alot of to deal with those types of issues.

Well, since then, we’ve also come across another important lesson/experience, well worthy of mention here.

For those who have more experience with dealing with Rigid Frame packages – no doubt this is stuff you already are very much aware of and can probably prevent from happening with properly pricing it all in BEFORE a client makes his purchase …  so he knows UP FRONT what all it’s going to cost him – RIGHT?

hmmm  NOT so, in our experience as a Rigid Frame client.   It seems suppliers/fabricators of Rigid Frame type designs – pretty much DO NOT want to say any more than they have to …  after all – they just might NOT get the order!!  YUP!  Lesson #1 or #100 in buying a building… ASK QUESTIONS!

We just supplied a building to a client who felt the $2500 more to get a PERKA HYBRID BUILDING package was just too much “more” for his budget.  With the Perka package – EVERYTHING was layed out … NO SURPRISES.  It was all there – nothing MORE to add.

So he purchased a Rigid Frame Building – no more questions than needed and NO MORE INFORMATION than necessary provided by Rigid Frame Supplier.   The building was to be a dirt floor – 3 sided Hay Storage Building.  No big deal right?  Buy the building – put it up.  Go on down the road.

NOT SO FAST.  Dirt Floor?  No concrete floor mesh and rebar to tie everything together?   Did you figure on adding buried, concrete encased tie rods from side to side of your building to make sure the frames don’t spread out?  Yup, we know that is also required for certain size PERKA BUILDINGS…  and we will tell you up front.   No so much for the RIGID FRAME.  That $2500 difference?  YUP —  it was exceeded in the labor and materials to add those cross ties!  GO FIGURE!  Had we only known UP FRONT!. Checkout knightfinance co for more details.

‘Buyer’s beware’…  ASK QUESTIONS! #bestbuildings #strongbuildings




