
Who Likes Uncertainty?

Who likes uncertainty?

According to Tony Robbins, after food, shelter and clothing, there are 6 core human needs – certainty, variety, significance, love and connection, growth and contribution.   And certainty is probably number one albeit in competition with a need for “variety”!

Who has ever said – “Am I ever glad my flight has been delayed with no reason or plan for new departure”?   We may be in one of the most luxuriously modern airports in the world but would more than likely still not appreciate not knowing what’s up!

The discomfort typically revolves around the “risk” of the situation getting worse.  Provide a credible explanation and a solution and most of the tension can be diffused.

BELOW is a link to great article offering a GREAT perspective on the VALUE of “risk”…

The more risk a product or service may present the lower the initial price might be… but the higher the potential COST, overall!

Less risk – may cost a bit more up front – but, when all important things get considered – including “certainty” – it can amount to a lot LESS resources expended in the long run, all carrying some VALUE including and certainly MORE STRESS FREE!!

This could be something of great value for each of us to educate ourselves about prospective suppliers and partners.


When considering the purchase of materials for a building project, here are some of the risk reducers that immediately come to mind.  Can you think of others we could add?

  1. A team’s public statement to a commitment to integrity and related product choices is a great first step.

  2. Price being FIXED at time of order (with no hidden upcharges)

  3. Having a track record of deliveries all but assured in the time frame desired (and even sooner many of the times!)

  4. Having some sort of “pre-fit” quality control processes can all but eliminate risks of misfits or errors.

  5. Having multi staged quality control inspections can eliminate “errors or omissions” – especially if backed by a warranty that should there a human factor – the supplier will OWN IT!

  6. The buildings are designed to specific CODES for the building’s location – no cookie cutter solutions…  with reasonable mutual due diligence to help assure that the correct code is adhered to.

  7. There is a track record of a commitment to frequent, clear and honest communication (updates) throughout the entire process from solution seeking to ordering, production, delivery and follow up…

  8. Having clear and understandable assembly guides and instructions updated to all the most recent developments in product and procedures. (Check Out Our Info Center)

  9. Having ever growing support from clients, users with open and honest feedback for the collective benefit of improving the whole building process.

  10. Working with a team with a strong and proven history of doing things right by doing the right thing…

Learn more about how Perka building designs can help you have more certainty in your life.  We’ll even send you free information.

Here is the aforementioned link that inspired this blog.


Know who you are working with

Know Who You Are Working With

A law professor once told me that no matter how well we might draft up an agreement, contract or any other type of document that would be intended to bind two parties to particular terms and conditions – it’s true and practical value lives almost exclusively in the integrity and character of the people behind the signatures. 

Some of the most loosely drafted documents (if at all), bound by a “good will hand shake”, commitment to fairness, to doing the right thing and to doing things right, will most often produce non-adversarial, more stress free and longer lasting, mutually benefitting relationships than anything else.

Bottom line, she offered…  get to know WHO you want to “do business with” or even have a relationship of any kind with…  and you will have paid into the biggest “ounce of prevention” for many many pounds of cure!

In that vein – to help you, the reader here, get to know who “TEAM PERKA” is….   here are TEN THINGS you might like to know about you might choose to do business with.

  1. WhyMore and more people are hearing about Simon Sinek and how one’s direction and purpose has much more effectiveness when it all starts with “WHY”! As students and advocates of that practice we endeavor to practice what we preach! Team Perka has created its own acronym for it too!  #sssTsss!  — Meaning that every morning, when we wake up we aim to be, first and foremost: 

Stress-Free Solution Seekers trusting Sincere Selfless Service.

    1. We are 39 years young, currently three-generation, family owned business. Our founder, affectionately known as ET, instilled strong enduring core values that we all live every day in fulfilling and perpetuating his legacy!

    2. Our core values include truth, fairness, goodwill, kindness, optimism, faith, integrity and JOY! Ours is a labor of love.   Doing what we love, loving what we do – especially for those who love and appreciate this passion.   It makes for a much more enjoyable process for everyone and always a WIN-WIN-WIN for all!

    3. We believe in pro-active pre-paredness, i.e. pre-thought, pre-fit, pre-fab, pre-welded, pre-engineered, pre-vent! An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.   We are in it for the long haul – so rushing has no real “value”.  Well thought out options, choices, decisions leads to lasting and certainly more stress free solutions!

    4. As shared in a previous blog post we literally live by “Don’t wait communicate” for optimum SYNERGY co-efficiency potential. If we all know what’s going on, what the vision is, the goals are and the plan we are unfolding – everyone can work in harmony, pulling in the same direction – to achieve the most desired outcome!

    5. We abide by principles of Conscious Capitalism: People – Planet – Prosperity – IN THAT ORDER! Without “people” – who are our clients, teammates, family, neighbors, friends, colleague, fellow earth travelers – nothing else can really matter!  Who wants to enjoy achievements alone?  And what worth will any of it have without good health for self or planet??

    6. Our stakeholders are number one on our Organizational Chart. PEOPLE FIRST!

    7. We are in this “game” for the long haul – and believe it is an infinite game! Is there ever a “winner”?   People may win or lose at various moments — the game (of life) truly never ends.  So we see this as a process of infinite choices that can leave an infinite combination of outcomes that are hopefully well serving for not only “us” collectively today –   but for our children and out children’s children for generations to come\

    8. Happiness is a primary objective of our existence – taken as a moment by moment opportunity. If we don’t ENJOY what we do – where we are – who we are with – what’s the point?  As Tony Robbins says — Being happy is a state!  And success starts with that!  Success won’t bring enduring happiness — happiness will bring enduring success.   So we may as well BE HAPPY!

    9. Another bottom line… and a significant part of our moment to moment purpose — we love to do what we love to do, especially for those who love what we do!  It’s part of the infinite happiness cycle.

Happiness begets happiness.

We hope you will be as happy to “work” with us as we will be in serving you!

Learn more about how we can enjoy life together better…    We’ll even send you free information.